Betekenis van:
head home

to head home
    • return home




    1. I think I'd better head home.
    2. Why don't you guys head on home?
    3. Why don't you head on home?
    4. He came home when were about to head out.
    5. ‘home Member State’ means the Member State in which the head office of the reinsurance undertaking is situated;
    6. In addition, Member States should require that a credit institution's head office always be situated in its home Member State and that it actually operates there.
    7. the head of division must certify that he will in all probability not require the services of the staff member during the period of the requested home leave.
    8. From the perspective of the home Member State the gross premiums written are broken down as follows: Member State of the head office, other Member States, other EEA countries, Switzerland, USA, Japan, other third countries (rest of the world).
    9. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 3, the home Member State may, for every reinsurance undertaking whose head office is situated in its territory, lay down the following quantitative rules, provided that they are prudentially justified:
    10. From the perspective of the home Member State (= Member State where the head office is situated) the gross premiums written under the right of freedom to provide services in other Member States are broken down into each other single EEA Member State and into the classification of products according to activities for insurance and pension funding services.
    11. From the perspective of the home Member State (= Member State where the head office is situated) the gross premiums written of branches in other Member States are broken down into each other single EEA Member State and into the classification of products according to activities for insurance and pension funding services.
    12. From the perspective of the home Member State the reinsurers' share of gross premiums written is broken down as follows: Member State of the head office, other Member States, other EEA countries, Switzerland, USA, Japan, other third countries (rest of the world).
    13. From the perspective of the home Member State the gross reinsurance premiums accepted, premiums written are broken down as follows: Member State of the head office, other Member States, other EEA countries, Switzerland, USA, Japan, other third countries (rest of the world).
    14. A reinsurance undertaking conducting reinsurance business in respect of credit insurance, whose credit reinsurance business amounts to more than a small proportion of its total business, should be required to set up an equalisation reserve which does not form part of the solvency margin; that reserve should be calculated according to one of the methods laid down in Directive 73/239/EEC and which are recognised as equivalent; furthermore, this Directive should allow the home Member State also to require reinsurance undertakings whose head office is situated within its territory to set up equalisation reserves for classes of risks other than credit reinsurance, following the rules laid down by that home Member State.
    15. PT: The services of venture capital may not be provided by branches of venture capital companies having their head office in a non-EC country. Broker-dealer services on the Lisbon Stock Exchange may be provided by broker and dealer companies incorporated in Portugal or by branches of investment firms authorised in another EC country and authorised in their home country to provide those services.